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Enums vs string literal types in Typescript

/ 18 min read


In TypeScript, developers often choose between enums and string literal types for representing fixed values or constants. Though seemingly minor, this choice affects code maintainability, bundle size, and efficiency.

Enums define related values as named constants, offering features like bidirectional mapping and value iteration, making them useful for complex scenarios needing structured management of constants.

String literal types, being simpler and generating no additional JavaScript code, keep bundle sizes small and are ideal for cases requiring type safety without runtime overhead, like defining HTTP methods or user roles.

This article compares enums and string literal types, highlighting that while enums provide extensive functionality, string literal types are often preferable for their simplicity and efficiency. The recommendation is to use string literal types for most cases, reserving enums for situations requiring their advanced features. This guide will help you decide which to use in your TypeScript projects for optimal performance and maintainability.

Understanding String Literal Types

String literal types in TypeScript are a powerful feature that allows developers to define a set of specific string values that a variable can accept. These types are particularly useful for scenarios where you want to constrain the possible values of a variable to a predefined set of strings, providing type safety and helping prevent errors. Let’s delve into the details of string literal types, their advantages, and limitations.

Definition and Characteristics

String literal types allow you to specify the exact values that a string can take. Unlike regular string types which can accept any string value, string literal types restrict the values to a specific set.


type HTTPMethods = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'DELETE';

In the above example, HTTPMethods is a type that can only be one of three values: 'GET', 'POST', or 'DELETE'. Any attempt to assign a value outside of these options will result in a type error, thus ensuring that the variable conforms to one of the specified strings.

Pros of String Literal Types

No Code Generation

One of the primary advantages of string literal types is that they do not generate any additional JavaScript code. This means that when TypeScript compiles the code to JavaScript, the string literal types do not contribute to the final bundle size, making the application lightweight.


function sendRequest(method: HTTPMethods) {
  console.log(`Sending request with method: ${method}`);

sendRequest('GET'); // Valid
sendRequest('PUT'); // TypeScript error: Argument of type '"PUT"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'HTTPMethods'.

In the example above, no extra code is added for the HTTPMethods type, ensuring a minimal impact on the bundle size.

Simplicity and Lightweight

String literal types are straightforward to define and use. They do not require imports or additional setup, making them ideal for quick and simple type constraints.


type CarBrand = 'Toyota' | 'Ford' | 'BMW';

let myCar: CarBrand = 'Toyota'; // Valid
myCar = 'Mercedes'; // TypeScript error: Type '"Mercedes"' is not assignable to type 'CarBrand'.

Here, the CarBrand type restricts the myCar variable to only accept one of the specified values, ensuring consistency and reducing the potential for errors.


String literal types can be easily extended by using unions, allowing you to create new types by combining existing ones or adding new values.


type PrimaryColor = 'Red' | 'Green' | 'Blue';
type ExtendedColor = PrimaryColor | 'Yellow' | 'Pink';

let favoriteColor: ExtendedColor = 'Yellow'; // Valid
favoriteColor = 'Black'; // TypeScript error: Type '"Black"' is not assignable to type 'ExtendedColor'.

This flexibility makes string literal types highly adaptable for evolving requirements without extensive changes to the codebase.

Intellisense and Type Checking

Modern Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) provide robust support for string literal types, including features like Intellisense and type checking. This can significantly speed up development by offering auto-completion and immediate feedback on type errors.


type UserRole = 'Admin' | 'User' | 'Guest';

function getUserRole(role: UserRole) {
  // IDE provides auto-completion for 'Admin', 'User', and 'Guest'
  console.log(`The user role is: ${role}`);

getUserRole('Admin'); // Valid
getUserRole('SuperUser'); // TypeScript error: Argument of type '"SuperUser"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'UserRole'.

The IDE will suggest valid options and flag invalid ones, enhancing productivity and reducing bugs.

Compilation Benefits

Since string literal types are purely compile-time constructs, they do not have any impact on the runtime performance of the application. They ensure type safety during development but do not carry any overhead into the production environment.


type PaymentStatus = 'Pending' | 'Completed' | 'Failed';

function updatePaymentStatus(status: PaymentStatus) {
  console.log(`Updating payment status to: ${status}`);

// No runtime checks or additional code generated
updatePaymentStatus('Completed'); // Valid
updatePaymentStatus('Error'); // TypeScript error

The type checks are enforced during compilation, leading to safer and cleaner code without runtime penalties.

Cons of String Literal Types

Limited Functionality

String literal types are limited in terms of functionality. They do not support operations like iteration over values or complex mappings, which can restrict their use in scenarios requiring more dynamic handling of values.


type Direction = 'North' | 'East' | 'South' | 'West';

// No straightforward way to iterate over 'Direction' values
// Need to use additional constructs like arrays
const directions: Direction[] = ['North', 'East', 'South', 'West'];
for (const dir of directions) {

Unlike enums, which provide built-in mechanisms for iteration and value manipulation, string literal types require extra constructs to achieve similar functionality.

Lack of Value Mapping

String literal types do not support value mappings like enums do. Enums can map names to specific values, which can be useful for associating strings with numeric codes or other properties.


enum Status {
  Active = 1,
  Inactive = 0,
  Archived = -1

// Status values can be easily mapped
console.log(Status.Active); // 1
console.log(Status['Active']); // 'Active'

In contrast, string literal types lack this capability, making them less suited for scenarios where such mappings are beneficial.

Understanding Enums

Enums, short for enumerations, are a feature in TypeScript that allow developers to define a set of named constants. These constants can represent a collection of related values, making the code more readable and maintainable. In this section, we will explore the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of using enums in TypeScript.

Definition and Characteristics

An enum in TypeScript is a way to give more friendly names to sets of numeric or string values. Unlike string literal types, which are purely compile-time constructs, enums exist at runtime and can be used to perform various operations. This dual presence makes them a powerful tool for certain types of programming tasks.

Example of an Enum in TypeScript:

enum Status {

In this example, Status is an enum with three members: Pending, Approved, and Rejected. By default, the values start from 0 and increment by 1, so Pending is 0, Approved is 1, and Rejected is 2. Enums can also be assigned custom numeric values or even strings.

Pros of Enums

Bidirectional Mapping

One of the key advantages of enums is their ability to provide bidirectional mapping between names and values. This feature can be especially useful for debugging and maintaining clarity in the code, as you can easily convert between the enum name and its corresponding value.


enum Status {
  Pending = 1,

console.log(Status.Pending); // Output: 1
console.log(Status[1]);      // Output: "Pending"

In the above code, Status.Pending outputs 1, and Status[1] outputs "Pending". This bidirectional mapping helps in quickly identifying the numeric or string value associated with an enum member.

Iteration and Utilities

Enums in TypeScript are objects at runtime, which means you can iterate over their values and use various utility functions. This is particularly useful when you need to perform operations on a set of constants, such as generating lists or filtering values.

Example: Iterating Over Enum Values

enum Color {
  Red = '#FF0000',
  Green = '#00FF00',
  Blue = '#0000FF'

for (let color in Color) {
  if (typeof Color[color] === 'string') {
    console.log(`${color}: ${Color[color]}`);

// Output:
// Red: #FF0000
// Green: #00FF00
// Blue: #0000FF

In this example, we use a for-in loop to iterate over the Color enum. The loop checks if the property is a string, ensuring we only log the color names and their corresponding values.

Extensive Use Cases

Enums are beneficial in scenarios where you need to compare values, especially for numerical comparisons, or where you need to map a set of values to different keys. They are particularly helpful in applications that require a consistent set of constants, such as HTTP status codes, application state, or configuration settings.

Example: Using Enums for HTTP Status Codes

enum HttpStatus {
  OK = 200,
  NotFound = 404,
  InternalServerError = 500

function handleResponse(status: HttpStatus) {
  switch (status) {
    case HttpStatus.OK:
      console.log("Request was successful");
    case HttpStatus.NotFound:
      console.log("Resource not found");
    case HttpStatus.InternalServerError:
      console.log("Internal server error");
      console.log("Unknown status");

handleResponse(HttpStatus.OK); // Output: Request was successful

This code defines an enum for common HTTP status codes and a function that handles responses based on the status code, demonstrating how enums can provide clarity and consistency in handling constant values.

Readability and Maintainability

Enums can enhance code readability and maintainability by allowing developers to use descriptive names for values instead of arbitrary strings or numbers. This makes the code more self-documenting and easier to understand, especially when working in teams or maintaining code over time.

Example: Descriptive Enums

enum UserRole {
  Admin = 'ADMIN',
  Editor = 'EDITOR',
  Viewer = 'VIEWER'

function getPermissions(role: UserRole) {
  if (role === UserRole.Admin) {
    return ['read', 'write', 'delete'];
  } else if (role === UserRole.Editor) {
    return ['read', 'write'];
  } else {
    return ['read'];

console.log(getPermissions(UserRole.Editor)); // Output: ['read', 'write']

In this example, the UserRole enum uses descriptive names for different roles within an application. This makes it clear what permissions are associated with each role, improving code readability and reducing the potential for errors.

Cons of Enums

Generates Extra Code

One of the main drawbacks of enums is that they generate additional JavaScript code. This can increase the size of the final bundle, which might affect performance, especially in large applications or in environments where every byte counts, such as mobile web apps.

Example: Additional Code Generation

enum Direction {

// Output: {0: "North", 1: "East", 2: "South", 3: "West", North: 0, East: 1, South: 2, West: 3}

The generated code includes both the names and values of the enum members, leading to a larger JavaScript file. This is a crucial consideration for performance-sensitive applications.

Complexity and Boilerplate

Enums require more setup and can add complexity to the codebase. You need to manage imports and exports for the enum objects, which can lead to additional boilerplate code, especially in large projects where enums are used extensively.

Example: Enum Import/Export

// status.ts
export enum Status {

// main.ts
import { Status } from './status';

function printStatus(status: Status) {

printStatus(Status.Approved); // Output: "Approved"

Here, the enum is defined in a separate file and imported where needed. This separation adds some complexity and requires careful management of dependencies.

Less Flexibility

Enums are less flexible compared to string literal types. Extending or modifying enums is not as straightforward, as changes must be reflected in multiple places, which can lead to more maintenance overhead and the potential for errors.

Example: Extending an Enum

// Extending enums typically requires creating a new enum or modifying the existing one.
enum ExtendedStatus {
  InReview  // Added new status

Adding a new value to an enum requires updating the enum definition and potentially updating all places where the enum is used, making maintenance more challenging.

Detailed Comparison

When choosing between enums and string literal types in TypeScript, several factors must be considered to determine the best fit for your project:

Functionality and Features

String Literal Types:

  • Limited Functional Scope: String literal types are primarily used for creating type-safe sets of string values. They do not support iteration or mapping, limiting their use in scenarios that require more complex logic or operations.
  • Example:
type UserRole = 'Admin' | 'User' | 'Guest';
This is suitable for simple type definitions but doesn't allow for any runtime operations.


  • Extended Functionality: Enums support a range of functionalities that string literals do not. This includes the ability to iterate over values and map names to values and vice versa, which is beneficial for more complex scenarios.
  • Example:
enum UserRole {
  Admin = 'Admin',
  User = 'User',
  Guest = 'Guest'

// Iteration example
Object.keys(UserRole).forEach(role => {
  console.log(role, UserRole[role as keyof typeof UserRole]);
The above example shows how you can iterate over the enum keys and values.

Conclusion: Enums offer more robust functionality, making them suitable for complex use cases where you need to perform operations on the set of values, such as iteration or value mapping.

Development and Maintenance

String Literal Types:

  • Ease of Development: String literal types are easy to define and extend. They offer excellent IDE support, including Intellisense and type checking, which aids in faster development and reduces errors.
  • Example:
type StatusCode = 'Success' | 'Error' | 'Pending';

function handleStatus(status: StatusCode) {
  if (status === 'Success') {
    console.log('Operation was successful.');
This provides clear and simple type definitions without the need for additional boilerplate code.


  • Increased Complexity and Setup: Enums require more setup and can complicate the codebase. They need to be imported and managed, which adds overhead to the development process. However, they enhance code readability by providing clear and descriptive names for constants.
  • Example:
enum StatusCode {
  Success = 'Success',
  Error = 'Error',
  Pending = 'Pending'

function handleStatus(status: StatusCode) {
  if (status === StatusCode.Success) {
    console.log('Operation was successful.');
Using enums improves clarity, especially in larger codebases where clear separation of values is beneficial.

Conclusion: For straightforward development and maintenance, string literal types are preferred due to their simplicity and minimal setup. However, in scenarios requiring more structured and maintainable code, especially for larger projects, enums are advantageous.

Summary of Key Points

  • String Literal Types are ideal for small, lightweight projects where minimal bundle size and simplicity are critical.
  • Enums are suitable for larger, more complex applications that benefit from additional functionality like value mapping and iteration.

By understanding the trade-offs and strengths of each approach, you can make informed decisions that align with your project’s specific requirements and complexity.

Case-by-Case Analysis

When choosing between enums and string literal types in TypeScript, it’s essential to consider the specific requirements and context of your project. Below, I’ll analyze several common scenarios and provide recommendations for the appropriate type system feature to use, along with code examples for each case.

Scenario 1: Lightweight Type Definitions

Use Case: When defining a simple set of string values for use in a small or lightweight project where minimizing bundle size is crucial, string literal types are the preferred choice. These scenarios typically involve scenarios like setting HTTP methods, user roles, or statuses where the values are static and don’t require additional functionality like iteration or value mapping.

Example: Defining HTTP methods for a lightweight REST API.

type HTTPMethods = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE';

// Usage
function handleRequest(method: HTTPMethods) {
    switch (method) {
        case 'GET':
            console.log('Handling GET request');
        case 'POST':
            console.log('Handling POST request');
        case 'PUT':
            console.log('Handling PUT request');
        case 'DELETE':
            console.log('Handling DELETE request');

In this case, string literal types are ideal because they do not add any extra code to the bundle and are straightforward to define and use.

Scenario 2: Complex Applications Requiring Value Mapping

Use Case: For applications that require mapping values to other types or where you need to iterate over a set of predefined options, enums are more suitable. This is common in applications where you need to map statuses to specific codes or values, perform numerical comparisons, or manage a set of constants.

Example: Defining system statuses with associated numeric codes.

enum SystemStatus {
    ACTIVE = 1,
    INACTIVE = 0,
    PENDING = 2,
    SUSPENDED = -1

// Usage
function getStatusCode(status: SystemStatus): number {
    return status;

// Iterating over enum values
for (let status in SystemStatus) {
    if (isNaN(Number(status))) {
        console.log(`${status}: ${SystemStatus[status as keyof typeof SystemStatus]}`);

Enums are beneficial here because they provide both a human-readable name and a value that can be used in comparisons or mapped to other data structures.

Scenario 3: Role Names or Status Codes in Simple Applications

Use Case: When defining simple, type-safe sets of string values, such as user roles or status codes, string literal types are highly effective. This scenario does not require the additional features that enums provide, making string literals the cleaner and more efficient choice.

Example: Defining user roles in a web application.

type UserRole = 'ADMIN' | 'USER' | 'GUEST';

// Usage
function assignRole(role: UserRole) {
    switch (role) {
        case 'ADMIN':
            console.log('Assigned Admin role');
        case 'USER':
            console.log('Assigned User role');
        case 'GUEST':
            console.log('Assigned Guest role');

String literal types are advantageous in this context due to their simplicity and the lack of additional runtime overhead.

Scenario 4: Defining and Iterating Over Options with Mappings

Use Case: For scenarios where you need to map a set of options to values (e.g., color codes or system settings) and iterate over them, enums are the appropriate choice. Enums facilitate easier management and iteration over a set of related constants, making them ideal for these cases.

Example: Defining color codes with their respective hexadecimal values.

enum Colors {
    Red = '#FF0000',
    Green = '#00FF00',
    Blue = '#0000FF'

// Usage
function getColorHex(color: Colors): string {
    return color;

// Iterating over enum values
Object.keys(Colors).forEach((color) => {
    console.log(`${color}: ${Colors[color as keyof typeof Colors]}`);

Enums provide the ability to iterate and map values, which is beneficial when dealing with a predefined set of options that require structured management.


The choice between enums and string literal types in TypeScript can significantly impact your code’s efficiency, maintainability, and performance. Each has its unique advantages and limitations, which makes it crucial to evaluate them against the specific requirements of your project. Here’s a comprehensive summary of the key takeaways:

Summary of Key Points

String Literal Types:

  • Pros:

  • ✅ No Code Generation: They do not generate additional JavaScript code, which results in a smaller bundle size. This is particularly beneficial for applications where performance and load times are critical.

  • ✅ Simplicity and Lightweight: Easy to understand and implement. There’s no need for imports or complex setup.

  • ✅ Extensible: Easily extendable using unions, which allows for the addition or removal of types without much hassle.

  • ✅ IDE Support: Excellent Intellisense and type checking in modern IDEs improve development speed and reduce errors.

  • ✅ Compilation Benefits: Since they are purely compile-time constructs, they do not add to the runtime footprint of your application.


type HTTPMethods = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE';
let method: HTTPMethods = 'GET'; // Simple and lightweight
  • Cons:

  • ❌ Limited Functionality: They do not support features like iteration or value mapping, which can be limiting in more complex scenarios.

  • ❌ Lack of Value Mapping: There’s no way to map to other values or types, which could be a drawback in scenarios requiring such functionality.


  • Pros:

  • ✅ Bidirectional Mapping: Enums support mapping between names and values, which is useful for debugging and maintaining clarity in your code.

  • ✅ Iteration and Utilities: They can be iterated over and used with various utility functions, providing more extensive functionality.

  • ✅ Extensive Use Cases: Enums are beneficial for scenarios requiring numerical comparisons or mappings of values to different keys.

  • ✅ Readability and Maintainability: They enhance code readability and maintainability by using descriptive names for values.


enum Colors {
  Red = '#FF0000',
  Green = '#00FF00',
  Blue = '#0000FF',
let color: Colors = Colors.Red; // Clear and descriptive
  • Cons:

  • ❌ Generates Extra Code: Enums generate additional JavaScript code, which can increase the size of the final bundle and potentially impact performance.

  • ❌ Complexity and Boilerplate: They require more setup, such as imports and exports, and can add complexity to the codebase.

  • ❌ Less Flexible: Extending or modifying enums is less straightforward and can require updates in multiple places.

Strong Opinion and Recommendation

In general, I recommend using string literal types for most use cases where you need a set of predefined string values. They are simpler, do not generate extra code, and provide excellent type safety and IDE support. This makes them ideal for defining types like status codes, role names, or any other set of distinct string values.

However, if you need features such as value mapping, iteration over a set of values, or clear separation between names and values, enums are the better choice. They are particularly useful in scenarios where you might want to associate string keys with other values, need to perform numerical comparisons, or when you prefer a more structured and maintainable approach to defining constants.

For Example:

  • Use String Literal Types: For defining types like HTTP methods, car brands, or user roles where only a set of distinct string values is needed.

    type HTTPMethods = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'DELETE';
  • Use Enums: When you need to map values or iterate over options, such as defining color codes or system statuses.

    enum Colors {
      Red = '#FF0000',
      Green = '#00FF00',
      Blue = '#0000FF',

Ultimately, the choice depends on your specific needs and the complexity of your project. For simple, type-safe definitions, stick with string literal types. For more complex scenarios requiring value mappings or where readability and maintainability are key concerns, enums offer more robust solutions. In summary, string literal types provide an excellent balance of simplicity and functionality for most use cases, while enums offer enhanced capabilities for more complex scenarios. Always consider your project’s requirements and choose the type system feature that aligns best with your goals and constraints.